So now I would like to let you know ways that you can help control your Migraines through medicine, and other ways that I feel are important.
So here are some interesting ways that I have found that work to help control as well in some ways actually stop one from happening if you feel one coming one. Than after I go into these I will state the ones that some Dr.'s state that work and what even some of my PT's have said can help.
* A way that can help is when you start to feel a Migraine coming on that means what doctors call "Seeing Spots" or "Seeing Stars", get a regular brown paper bag (the small one that you have for your childs lunch is the best) and start to blow into it for about 5 mins. This will help open the blood vessels in your head and help relieve the pain. This is something that I have done and I can actually say it works very well and would recommond it.
* Now I know not everyone likes coffee but, if you do and or like me who loves a few cups of coffee in the morning I have learned that it is best to drink the half and half. The only problem that I have found is that if you have Celiac Disease you may want to call to the manufacture of your brand as some of the coffee makers use flour on the belts that the coffee beans go on. And flour is not Gluten Free. Now after some research me and my friend found that Flogers use oil. So with this and the fact that coffee has caffine in it could and may cause you to get a Migraine. So like with me I had to change to the half and half witch is half regular and half decaf.
* Now this I didn't even know and I am not even sure some people know about but, Chocolate has caffine in it. So it is best to eat that in moderation I know sad. That something so taste and sweet could give you a nasty Migraine.
* This I am not sure of but, like some people red wine can give them a Migraine now with me I not drink or even have food could with red wine so when I go out to eat make sure to ask if the food is cooked in red wind if you know that red wine gives you a Migraine, this may help stop you from getting one later. The problem with most food and drink related Migraines they can be heritary so always ask your doctor. If unsure your doctor will know best.
* Now this is something that I should do in fact its called "Migraine Diary" you write stuff down when you have a Migraine, like what you have eaten that day, if you had a stressful day at work or even if you did not sleep well the night before. Than you take it with you to your doctors appointment and show your doctor. Than they will be able to help you control your Migraines either with meds or even with other ways in witch I will be explaining later.